Step 2 - Raw Data Registration

Use the Raw data page to register how your raw data will be handled in your new data structure.

When you have configured the Inbound settings and imported raw data, the fields display from the file. The Raw Data Tab displays the fields you set up on the Master Data Setup screen.

Create a raw data field for every field that comes in from your source files regardless of whether you plan to use the data element.


  1. The Source Data Header column contains each of your imported file's raw data fields, or source headers, are listed.

  2. The Normalized Dataset field is where you match your source data header name from the first column with a field name designated in your normalized dataset.

  3. Use the Field Node drop-down list to identify where your data fits into the overall data structure. Each field is a child to a parent node.

  4. The Field Code is the metadata name for your field in the dataset.

  5. The Data Type column accommodates the values that represent how the data is used.

    • Integer - Use with whole numbers.

    • Date - Use with calendar dates.

    • String - Use with non-numeric text.

    • Decimal - Set this type with floating point numeric characters.

Bordereaux | Data Management Buttons and Other Actions


Add Raw Field Reference

Add Row - Click the button to add a raw field reference.

ability to configure key on raw fields to uniquely identify record for grouping related transactions from Raw data-

Only Parent Node raw fields to be available for Group By dropdown-

ability to configure key on raw fields to uniquely identify record for grouping related transactions from Raw data for all the import types.- Premium